Conversion and refunctionalisation of the degraded and unused land in the CUBIC area of Satu Mare Municipality The green areas of public interest are distributed unevenly and dispersed on the territory of the municipality of Satu Mare. Given in particular the lack of large green spaces with unlimited access, the project aims to make the most of the degraded and abandoned space in the Cubic area in the spurafata of almost 5 hectares by transforming it into a leisure area, a park with recreational features, promenade, play, sport or relaxation for residents of the municipality in general and those of neighbouring neighborhoods in particular. The arrangement will contribute significantly to the revitalisation of the entire area by providing multiple functions: sanogene (improving the quality of the environment), aesthetic (beautification of the area, development of aesthetic sense), social (socialisation, relaxation, leisure, strengthening the sense of belonging to the community), educational (actions carried out by school units, pro-environment associations, for knowledge of nature and plants, to stimulate biodiversity), economic (increasing the real estate value of the area). Undertaken within the Investment Priority 4.2 – Delivering actions aimed at improving the urban environment, revitalising cities, regenerating and decontaminating brownfields (including reconversion areas), reducing air pollution and promoting noise abatement measures, the project is fully consistent with its specific objective: Reconversion and refunctionalisation of land and areas degraded, vacant or unused from county residence work.