Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 22 August 2016
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 6 669 464,40 €
EU contribution: 5 669 044,80 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale, Administrației Publice si Fondurilor Europene
intervention field

Modernisation and extension of the pedestrian and velo route New Center from Satu Mare

The general objective of reducing carbon emissions by improving urban mobility, the urban environment and increasing the quality of life in the municipality of SATU MARE The aim of these interventions is to increase the accessibility of the central area for pedestrians and cyclists, to transfer from the use of private cars to non-motorised modes of transport (pedestrian and sailing).The project aims to make the use of private cars an economically less attractive option than the use of public transport and non-motorised modes, thus creating the conditions for reducing CO2 equivalent emissions. The activities to be carried out under the project fall under the category of activities in the field of intervention, B. Investments for electric and non-motorised transport, and, C. Other investments aimed at reducing CO2 emissions in the urban area: —Building/upgrading/extension of pedestrian and semi-pedestrian areas and trails – Construction/modernisation/extension of cycle paths, including construction/upgrading/extension of bridges/passes/passes/passes/passes for bicycles or for both bicycles and pedestrians, without the road traffic component, but only as part of the cycle route (not as a separate investment), the location of indicators; —Building bicycle parks; — Point construction/upgrading/extension of the public lighting system serving only these cycle paths or cycle and pedestrian tracks, not the roadside. This sub-activity will help to increase the comfort of the use of non-motorised modes of transport. The location of information boards and/or guidance signs for the applicant’s pedestrian routes; — The planting of tree and shrub alignments in the body of roads (particularly urban streets, but not only), in pedestrian and semi-pedestrian areas, along cycle paths, pedestrian routes Refurbishing the streets as pedestrians, cycling persons, installing urban furniture, installation of accessibility components, upgrading/extension of public lighting for bicycle routes/pedestrian areas contributes to achieving the proposed goal of developing urban mobility much less dependent on the use of private cars, by shifting the focus from mobility based primarily on their use, to mobility based on walking, the use of bicycles as a means of travelling, reducing the use of private cars while using clean means of travel. Thus, the activities proposed by the project "Modernisation and extension of the pedestrian route and sailing the New Centre in Satu Mare Municipality, fall within the eligible activities supported by Priority Axis 4: Support

Flag of Romania  Satu Mare, Romania