The general objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness among the visitors of the Roman Catholic Cathedral Timisoara, also known as the Roman Catholic Dome "St. Gheorghe", by promoting its restored, preserved and restored heritage and integration into the national and international tourist circuit. The general objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness among the visitors of the Roman Catholic Cathedral Timisoara, also known as the Roman Catholic Dome "St. Gheorghe", by promoting its restored, preserved and restored heritage and integration into the national and international tourist circuit. The specific objective of the proposed project is to carry out renovation, conservation, rehabilitation works of the Roman Catholic Cathedral building in Timişoara and its enclosure, with a view to its integration into the national and international tourist circuit: — renovation, conservation, rehabilitation of the building of the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Timişoara in a total area of 1.490 sqm. — rehabilitation/renovation of related objectives: fence, fire connection, interior courtyard arrangement, lateral access paths (ensuring access for persons with disabilities), ensuring the objective in terms of IDP. — the restoration of the crypt and tombale stones of the great personalities who have their place forever in the crypt under the Dome ship in order to introduce this objective in the guided tour. — integration into the national and international tourist circuit of the restored objective by carrying out specific activities: dedicated web page, guided tour, collaboration with local, national, international actors, integration of the visit to the objective within the visits organised in Timisoara of tourist groups or within various events of international national scale, strengthening activities in the cultural field. — increasing the number of visitors to the Catholic Dome by a minimum of 6 % in the first operational year from 19,800 to 20.988. Through the possibility of visiting in good conditions thousands of tourists roaming the city, especially in the summer season, wanting to admire monuments of art and to know alive the history and architectural values of the city, will open a good opportunity to integrate this important edifice of worship into the network of major art, culture and historical objectives that Timisoara offers extensively. The overall objective of the project makes a significant contribution to the overall objective of the 2014-2020 ROP of increasing economic competitiveness and improving the living conditions of local and regional communities by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure conditions and services, ensuring the sustainable development of regions capable of managing resources efficiently, exploiting their potential for innovation and assimilation of progress