Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 22 June 2020
End date: 29 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 22 451 552,00 €
EU contribution: 19 047 490,00 € (84,84%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa Warmińsko-Mazurskiego

Centre for Environmental Research and Innovative Food Technologies for Quality of Life

As part of the project, the “Environmental Research and Innovative Food Technologies Centre for Quality of Life” will be created, building a competitive advantage of the region and the country through specialisation in the agri-food industry and effective use of pro-innovation infrastructure, enabling the implementation of activities consistent with the region’s smart specialisations “high-quality food” and “water economy”. The investment will be carried out in Olsztyn, at ul.Trylińskiego, on plots No 37/30, area 149 and 349/8, area 98. Scope of the project: 1. Contribution to St. II-III Q20 2. Contract Engineer-Q420-II Q23 3. Design and construction works-Q4-20-II sq.23 4. Purchase of real estate-IV sq.20 5. Purchase of infrastructure bad.-IV kw 22-III sq.23 6. Promotion-Q121-IIIkw. 23 7. The Centre will be composed of a non-economic part protecting the needs of the Institute and economic part covering service laboratories so-called core facilites, providing research services to external entities on commercial terms, as well as a publishing house. Stages of project implementation: submission of the application for doc., signing of the doc. contract, selection of contractors, conclusion of contracts, execution of works, completion of the project and signing of the final protocol, final settlement of the project. The investment will contribute to the integration of the Institute itself by transferring its laboratories from four different locations (2 in Olsztyn and 2 in Białystok) to one. Project in line with SZOOP ROP PI 1a improvement of research and innovation infrastructure and capacity to achieve excellence in research and innovation and supporting competence centres through increased marketisation of R & D and science-industry cooperation. The project fulfils the incentive effect as the purchase of land and preparatory works (development of input to the feasibility study) are not considered to be the start of works and the remaining works will take place after the application to the IOK.

Flag of Poland  Olsztyński, Poland