The aim of the project is to increase employment opportunities for young people under the age of 30 who are unemployed in Warsaw. The main outcome of the project will be to employ at least 44 % of the most vulnerable (including: persons with disabilities, long-term unemployed, people with low qualifications) and 59.5 % of people not eligible for any of the above-mentioned target groups participating in the project (in accordance with the measurement methodology contained in the guidelines for the implementation of projects involving ESF measures in the labour market 2014-2020) and registered in the Labour Office of the City of Warsaw. Within the framework of the project for each participant, presenting a specific offer of vocational activation will be preceded by an analysis of the skills, predisposition and professional problems of the participant. On this basis, the Office will carry out appropriately selected services and labour market instruments referred to in the Act on the Promotion of Employment and Labour Market Institutions. The objective of the project is in accordance with the principles set out in the Guidelines for the implementation of projects involving ESF funds in the labour market for the period 2014-2020 and will be implemented in accordance with the above-mentioned guidelines. The training will result in obtaining qualifications or acquisition of competences attested by appropriate documents (e.g. a certificate) confirming the acquisition of qualifications within the meaning of the Guidelines for monitoring the progress of the operational programme 2014-2020. Each qualification shall be verified by an appropriate examination in the form of an examination.