The main objective of the project is to prepare and make green areas available in the city of Muszyna by the end of 2019 by approx. 3 hectares of surface. Thanks to the implementation of the project, squares, bird settlements, natural meadows, etc. will be created. The specific objectives shall include: 1. Reducing anthropopression to the most valuable and vulnerable ecosystems of the site and creating and preserving naturally shaped areas similar to wildlife, significantly enhancing biodiversity and introducing species biodiversity in the planned area. This will be done through work to reduce the presence of plants belonging to invasive alien species and to create multi-storey and multi-species green assumptions, based on native species, creating favourable and attractive conditions for birds, insects and small mammals. 2. raising the natural value of Muszyna together with raising public awareness of the protection of areas, by creating green places for recreation and recreation and education. 3. Improvement of air parameters, microclimate.