The pre-study Business Development Node will determine how small and medium-sized companies’ competitiveness and investment priorities can be strengthened in western Härjedalen. Entrepreneurship, commitment, drive and development opportunities exist. As well as financing, knowledge and advice. At the same time, there is a perceived gap between need and access, the feasibility study is important to determine how the gap can be reduced and connections strengthened. It will examine the target group’s needs and specific conditions, and how the target group can be inspired to work strategically in the long term with vision, goals, growth, development and investment priorities. Furthermore, one must find out how the Business Development Node’s business model should be designed to provide long-term benefits and be economically sustainable, as well as what collaboration with others should look like. A future Business Development Node will continuously and long-term contribute to strengthening the main target group’s development potential and increasing their investment priorities, growth and jobs. The feasibility study is aimed at western Härjedalen business, but in the long term, the idea is that a business development node will be available to more people, as needed, benefit and interest.