Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 January 2017
End date: 30 April 2019
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 789 055,45 €
EU contribution: 353 751,00 € (44,83%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Conseil régional Centre-Val de Loire
© Jean-Marie Bourgeais/Société PowiDian (2019)
© Jean-Marie Bourgeais/Société PowiDian (2019)

Mobile, non-polluting and silent generator, based on renewable energy and hydrogen storage.

Mobile thermal generators, powered by fossil fuels, are used in a wide range of industries: Construction, event, power supply to isolated sites, any one-time need for energy or additional energy. They are pollutants, produce GHGs (850 tonnes of CO2 per year for a 150 kW generator) and induce less and less tolerated noise and olfactory nuisances. PowiDian, an independent start-up from an Airbus swarm, mastering disruptive technologies in the production and storage of clean energy, has developed a revolutionary alternative energy station based on renewable energies: the patented SAGES® technology that intelligently uses renewable energy storage in the form of hydrogen. This technology has been the subject of a demonstrator and an initial operational installation at a customer’s premises. This station, static, is currently in commercialisation with several ongoing projects in the DOM TOM and export. The purpose of the MobHYl Power project is to design and industrialise, on the basis of the SAGES® architecture, a high-power mobile and transportable electricity generator freeing itself from fossil fuels using hydrogen. In addition to energy, it will also be able to manage renewable energies. It will actually be SAGES “mobile transportable”.

Flag of France  Indre-et-Loire, France