Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 May 2019
End date: 30 September 2023
Fund: European Social Fund (ESF)
Total budget: 2 594 061,29 €
EU contribution: 2 204 952,10 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski

SZOWES – OWES in the Kosalin region

The Western Pomeranian Network of Social Economic Support Centres – Social Economic Support Centre in the Koszalin region (City of Koszalin, Białystok County, Staryenski, Kosaliński, Kołobrzeg) is a comprehensive project (animation, integration, training, advice, services, promotion, financial support, etc.) support for social economy entities (planned to include 100PES support) and local communities and individuals (planned to support women). The main objective of the OWES is to contribute to the development of the social economy sector and its importance in the economy by increasing profits, increasing employment and specialising in the sector. In terms of employment growth, a wide range of measures against people at risk of social exclusion appear to be crucial. The project aims to increase the importance of the social economy sector in the economy by increasing employment levels in social enterprises (58 new jobs, including 35 K) and the development of the social economy sector in the Kosalin region. The activities envisaged in the project are addressed to: I'm a natural person. PES and entities aimed at establishing a social enterprise and social enterprises, including social cooperatives. The project will create 58 permanent jobs, which will be created by allocating funds to create new jobs in the social economy sector, which is linked to development, but also to the creation of new social enterprises in the Kohalin region. New jobs will be supported, for a stable strengthening of business competences of the recipients of activities, over the next 12 months by providing bridging support in financial form and as part of individualised advice and specialised training for PES managers to increase business efficiency.

Flag of Poland  Koszaliński, Poland