Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 21 November 2016
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 93 681 935,37 €
EU contribution: 81 296 895,07 € (86,78%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic


The aim of the project is to support the SME sector in Western Pomerania through the creation by the Bank of the National Funds Funds to implement the Financial Instruments (IF) as defined in the Investment Strategy (SI) within the framework of the ROP WZ for the period 2014-2020 provided for the Priority Axis. I Economy, Innovation, Modern Technologies, Measure 1.9 Investments in Enterprises through IF. The project assumes the implementation of SI for the implementation of IF within the framework of the RPO WZ, within the scope of the ROP. If for SMEs based on ex-ante evaluation results. The implementation of the SI through the implementation of IF will ensure increased investment activity of existing economic operators in the region, the expansion of the SME sector and their innovation. The IF implementation system will be based on a cascade structure, i.e. Manager of FF co-operating with the Managing Authority/Institution intermediary of RPO WZ on subst. Financing agreements responsible for the establishment and management of the FF and financial intermediaries. The aim of the project is to eliminate the diagnosed financial gap. Support in the form of IF will provide SME start-up capital and business expansion, including not only basic but also for new, innovative projects, or the introduction of new products for the market or new for companies. The support covers investments in fixed assets, intangible assets and working capital (according to EU law). As required, IFs may take the form of debt instruments or guarantees. The projected results of the project’s implementation shall be determined by indicators: Number of SMEs receiving support – target value (2023): 1163 SMES; Private investments complementing public support to SMEs (other than grants) – target value of PLN 45 186 086, 3, Number of enterprises supported to introduce new products for the market: 50 pcs

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