Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 21 December 2016
End date: 29 June 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 15 622 839,00 €
EU contribution: 11 520 185,00 € (73,74%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa Opolskiego obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Opolskiego, Departament Koordynacji Programów Operacyjnych
intervention field

“Construction of infrastructure on foot – bicycle in the district of Opole – stage II and construction of the interchange centre in the Lewin Brzeski Commune”

The aim of the project is to improve the quality of life of the local community by reducing air pollution in the Opole Agglomeration, as a result of the development of infrastructure for cycling, and through the construction of interchange centres and car parks Bike&Ride;Ride combining individual means of transport with public public transport such as railways and buses. As part of the implementation of the project, the following will be created: infrastructure on foot-bicycle with a total debt. 38,52 km (including 33,19 km built, reconstructed 2,80 km and designated 2,53 km); It’s 6 park. Bike &Ride located near the railway station. (Suchy Bór, Tarnów Op., Lewin Brzeski, Tułowice and Turawa) and bus stop. (Customs-pomology). A total of 160 bicycle stations will be built within the park. Bike&Ride; 4 parking lots of Park &Ride located near the station (Suchy Bór, Tarnów Op., Lewin Brzeski, Tułowice), for a total of 66 parking spaces for cars including 5 seats for disabled people; interchange centre in Lewin Brzeski at the railway station serving the main line of the Opole-Wroc³aw relationship; interchange centre in Tułowice near the railway station. serving the Opole – Nysa line; interchange centre in Suchy Bór near the railway station. serving the Opole-Fosowskie line. The project also provides for the construction of energy-saving LED lighting and replacement of existing lamps for energy-efficient along the planned construction of foot-bike infrastructure and supplementing energy-saving street lighting in the city of Lewin Brzeski (ul.: Agricultural, Pocztowa, Krasicki, Marzanny, Wiśniowa, Leśna, Spring, Rzemieślnicza, Szafirova, Kościuszki, Ochronna, Kościuszki, Mickiewicza, Zamkowa, Cicha, Autumn, Słowacki, Akaciwa, Kolejowa). As part of the project, the necessary works related to the extension of the roadways of the district will be carried out. (1702O, 1703O, 1705O, 1712O, 1756O) and voivodships (414, 461) along which roads for bicycles will be created

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