The project will include a set of tasks carried out in the AO area to contribute to the development of sustainable intermodal mobility and to reduce emissions of environmentally burdensome pollutants and generated by motorised road users, including CO2 reductions. As part of the integrated project, paths will be made on foot and bicycles in the City of Opole, the Municipality of Krapkowice, the Municipality of Prószków, the commune of Dobrań Wielki, the commune Komprachcice, the Gogolin commune, the Municipality of Tarnów Opolski and the Strzeleczki commune. In addition, the construction of bus bays and accompanying infrastructure (rest areas, shelters), park & Ride (Krapkowice, Prószków) and Bike & Ride (Krapkowice, Prószków, Tarnów Opolski and Strzelczki) parking lots are planned. The project is carried out by three types of project (Type 1 construction, reconstruction of transport infrastructure publ. in order to reduce traffic in city centres, Type 2 solutions in the field of, facilitate smooth movement of the collective area, including (...) bus bays, (...) and Type 4 infr. for cycling and pedestrian traffic). The proposed tasks will strengthen the links of the mode of transport, reduce the use of passenger cars, make more efficient use of non-motorised individual transport, reduce pollutant emissions, noise and congestion scales and improve road safety. The implementation of the project will be part of an infrastructure and social policy that encourages AO residents to take advantage of other modes of movement than cars, in an environment of cleaner and health-friendly air. Products of the project: Built roads for bicycles 21.36 km Objects "Bike&Ride" 4 pcs. Parking spaces in "Bike&Ride" 44 pcs. Number of built objects “park and drive” 2 pcs. Number of parking spaces “park and drive” 8 pcs. Number of parking spaces for people with disabilities in built facilities “park and drive” 1 pcs.