Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 December 2015
End date: 1 July 2019
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 583 922,12 €
EU contribution: 394 147,42 € (67,5%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa Małopolskiego obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski Woj. Małopolskiego – Departament Zarządzania Programami Operacyjnymi,

Expansion of the open-access ice rink in Muszyna by making a roof for a year-round multifunctional facility with further development of the terrain.

The ice rink is located in Muszyno, on plots no.3803, 3341, 3342, 3332, 3333, 3334, 11603 and is used seasonally during the winter season in the period from December 15 to March 15.The project is to perform the roofing of the ice rink in Muszyna together with the audience, the execution of the ice rink and the freezing canal, as well as the development of the terrain, including skatepark surface and walking path. demolition works, surface hardening of part of the area with stone aggregate, insulating work, building of the auditorium and work on the fence and small arch. installation of pots with low ornamental greenery, installation of benches.2 Construction works: The roofing of the ice rink is designed as a glued wood construction with a tight membrane covering. It consists of 10 frames of glued wood based on reinforced concrete foundations. The posts are articulated to the foundation, and rigid connections are designed in the ridge. It will be covered by a polyester membrane. Parameters: The roofs in the roofing area of 1039,43 m² of total roofs will be: 41,80x25,45 m. Iceland glazing plate 821,25 m² Dimensions of the ice rink so far 20.0 x 40.0 m Max. height of the object from area item 11.75 m Height of the object to the cornice ca. 2.60 m Length of the object 41,80 m Object width 25,45 m Design span of 23.75 m variable angle of roof in the range of 20 35 Installation works include the execution of connections and internal installations: rainwater, water, electrical and land-based sewage systems; the entrances to the facility were designed from the north-west from the existing pedestrian line on plot No. 3803. Access to the facility is provided by an existing road to the dz. 3317, along with the existing exit from Dz. 3803.

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