Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 10 August 2016
End date: 30 December 2019
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 1 505 402,68 €
EU contribution: 1 016 146,81 € (67,5%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa Małopolskiego obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski Woj. Małopolskiego – Departament Zarządzania Programami Operacyjnymi,

Construction of a recreational and recreational zone in the Park “Zapopradzie”.

The aim of the project is to create a modern spa park with an area of about 3 hectares in Muszyn, which will consist of:1. A recreational pond with an irregular coastline reflecting the natural floodplain and vegetation, where wild animals such as frogs and newts will be found. In the pond there will be an oval bird island in a large part of the coastline will be covered with shrubs and shrubs, e.g. from common reed, broad leaf sticks for breeding colonies of birds, which are intended to be a natural attraction. Around the pond there will be beaches integrated with walking alleys surrounding the pond. The aeration fountain will be made to the tone of the pond, pier and footbridge.2. Preferencers with ornamental birds are designed to improve the aesthetics and enrich the garden. Cage interiors will be arranged by planting trees and shrubs suitable for the species of birds. The willie will consist of a world or a house where birds can take refuge in e.g. rain. Shelters made of boards and roof made of straw or cane3. Buildings: and summer pavilion, buildings: approx.200 m², total:27m2, use:16.5 m², height 4,3 m, single-storey building with WC.b economic pavilion pertaining to construction and total:approx.314m2, use:275 m², height. 4.8 m, single-story building with 4 volleyballs and 6 pet boxes4. THEME GARDENS: antique, modern, rocky, French5. Promenade SPACEROWA Path lifted above the terrain to a height of approx.3 m, with exits to both gardens and towards the Poprad river, not narrower than 1.2 m to allow trolleys to enter6. Elements EQUIPMENT.i.e. plantings, irrigation system, el. small architecture: benches, tables, baskets, stone decorations: figures, pots, vases, etc., park lighting and hardening of the area modernisation of parking spaces and monitoring, reconstruction of the power grid, water supply, sewage system, water connection, design docking and constructions, etc., purchase of land.

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