Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 1 February 2017
End date: 18 December 2020
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 384 338,00 €
EU contribution: 230 608,56 € (60%)
Programming period: 2014-2021
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa Małopolskiego obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski Woj. Małopolskiego – Departament Zarządzania Programami Operacyjnymi,

Bicycle Route of Mineral Waters in Muszyna Municipality

The project concerns the creation of a new local cycling trail leading through Żegiestów, Milik, Szczawnik, Złockie, Jastrzębik and Muszyna. The route connects directly to the EuroVelo11 route in Milik, Żegiestów, Muszyn. The implementation of the project includes the delineation of a 32,7 km long cycling trail, marked with uniform signs, equipped with information equipment, parking spaces for relaxation, which will ensure that tourists travel safely and peacefully with any level of skills and experience, which will consist of:Reconstruction and renovation of existing forest roads not intended for general traffic in order to create a bicycle trail on the stretches of Štiavnik 1372 m and Milik Szczawnik 1600 m, additionally 1602 m. new bidirectional cycle trail, which can be used by pedestrians with a width of 2.50 m to 4.0 m with a length of 4.574 kmDetermination of the cycle path on the general principles of the existing public roads by marking the Beygiests, Milik, Szczawnik, Złockie, Jastrzębik, Muszyna24,532km.Determination of the cycle trail by marking on existing paths and forest roads: section Milik Żegiestów3,62 km.2.Device of 13 parking places equipped with shelters, bicycle stands, benches, tables, garbage bins, information boards including 5 tabl. in the form of easel, 1 infokiosk. 3.Distribution of route information: publication of folders and maps, application for infokiosk.The implementation of the project will improve the attractiveness and accessibility to areas of tourist attractions and natural valuable areas: Source of mineral water Casimir in Milik, source behind the church in Szczawnik, Mofeta and the Source of St. Lukasza in Jastrzębik, Sources Anna and Drinking Mineral Water Milusia and Antoni in Muszyn. The project is carried out within the boundaries of the area of health resort status. It is part of the concept of building an integrated network of cycling routes, the Małopolska voivodeship. Description of hi,Q.

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