Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 18 November 2016
End date: 31 December 2023
Fund: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Total budget: 125 723 050,00 €
EU contribution: 106 864 590,00 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Zarząd Województwa Łódzkiego, obsługiwany przez: Departament Polityki Regionalnej, Departament ds. Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego, Departament Finansów, Departament Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Departament Promocji
European Commission Topic
European Commission Topic


The project assumes the implementation of the "Investment Strategy for the implementation of the Financial Instruments under ROP WŁ 2014-2020, as regards IF for SMEs – based on the results of ex-ante evaluations. The implementation of the SI through the implementation of IF will ensure increased investment activity of existing economic operators in the region, the expansion of the SME sector and their innovation. The IF implementation system will be based on a cascade structure, i.e. FF manager working with IP RPO WŁ on podst. Contracts responsible for the establishment and management of FFs and Financial Intermediaries (PFs). The FF will set up an IF to which the IFF will contribute financially to support the final recipients, i.e. IT’S SMES. The project envisages expanding the market offer to include products dedicated to excluded entities, e.g. due to lack of adequate collateral or credit history, which will stimulate SMEs to take up new development initiatives, including increasing their competitiveness and strengthening their market position. The aim of the project is to eliminate the diagnosed financial gap. Support in the form of IF will provide SMEs with seed capital, start-up capital and business expansion, including not only basic but also new projects, or switching to new markets/solutions. The support covers investments in fixed assets, intangible assets and working capital (provided by EU law). As required, IFs may take the form of debt instruments or guarantees. The projected results of the project’s implementation shall be determined by indicators: 1) Number of enterprises receiving support – worth. target. (2023) 1 298 SMES; 2) Number of companies receiving financial support other than grants worth the target: 1 298 SMEs 3) Private investment complementing public support to enterprises (other than grants) is worth the following objective: EUR 116,97 million, 4) The value of investments made by the final recipients of IF – worth the target: EUR 116.98 million.

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