Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

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Start date: 3 January 2018
End date: 31 December 2023
Number of projects: 3
Total budget: 6 673 593,00 €
EU contribution: 5 719 665,60 €
Website: n/a
Country: European Commission Flag
Explore more: n/a
ESF: 5 719 665,60 €

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PROJECTTOTAL BUDGETEU CONTRIBUTIONFUNDGET UP! UP! Start Up Smart! 2 912 232,40 € 2 463 450,60 € ESF Success – Structures for increasing the quality of the social economy 2 772 367,00 € 2 346 340,80 € ESF Future — Valorisation, Training and Integration of Young People through Responsible Employment 988 993,60 € 909 874,20 € ESF