Cilj projekta je: Razvoj izobraževalne infrastrukture na Daugavpils State Gymnas, ki bo spodbujala postopno uvajanje splošnih izobraževalnih vsebin na podlagi pristopa načrtovane usposobljenosti.Projekt activities:1.Ergonomic učno okolje s prenovo inženirskih omrežij v stavbi (ventilacija, ogrevalni sistem, razsvetljava)2.Uvedba rešitev informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije ter nakup opreme za posebne namene3.Ergonomski nakup pohištva.2.Ergonomski objekti za usposabljanje Posodobitev športne infrastrukture5.Regionalna metoda prostorov centra (razvoj)6.Izvajanje volilnega telesa in pridobitev opreme za udobje stavbe (Ergonomsko učno pohištvo), 4.Razvoj objektov izobraževalne ustanove za modernizacijo športne infrastrukture.5.Regionalna metoda razvoja komunikacijskega centra;“ Ergonomski sistem za prilagajanje javnih služb za osebe.2.Volivec za posodobitev izobraževalne infrastrukture.2.Electronska zasnova prostorov (razvoj)6.Profesija rešitev za posebne namene;Pridobivanje okoljskega učenja.3.Ergonomsko učno pohištvo v okviru posodobitve infrastrukture izobraževalne ustanove.5.Regionalna metoda centra (razvoj prostora (razvoj)6.Profesionalizacija rešitev za posebne namene; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, od tega: 2 328 431,25 EUR sredstev ESRR 63,20 % – 1 471 656,00 EUR; Sofinanciranje mestnega sveta Daugavpilsa – 599 742,67 EUR, državna proračunska pomoč – 257 032,58 EUR. Neupravičeni stroški: 1 569 615,15 EUR