The aim of the project – by contributing to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, to support the development of the competence for commercialisation of research results in state research organisations, by promoting the commercialisation of research results owned by these research organisations both in Latvia and abroad in order to increase the income of research organisations from commercialisation to the public or to convert research results into successful business business, as well as to promote the implementation of the research process in small enterprises (micro), small and medium enterprises, providing support for new or significantly improved product or technology development, furthering of the business process in Latvia, as well as promoting research activities in Latvia as well as in small and medium enterprises by providing support for new or significantly improved product or technology development, as well as to promote the development of the research process in Latvia, as well as to promote the implementation of research in small and medium enterprises, by providing support for new or significantly improved product or technology development, as well as to promote the development of the research process in Latvia as well as to promote research in innovative products (micro, small and medium enterprises) by providing support for new or significantly improved products or technologies to the development of the project, as well as to promote the development of the research process in Latvia, as well as to promote the development of research results in the process of small enterprises (micro, small and medium enterprises) by providing support for new or significantly improved product or technology development, as well as to promote the development of research process in Latvia, as well as to promote the implementation of research in small and medium enterprises through technology transfer to them by providing support to new or significantly improved product or technology development, as well as to promote the development of research process in Latvia as well as to promote the implementation of research in small and medium merchants by providing support to new or significantly improved product or technology development, as well as to promote the development of the research process in Latvia, as well as to promote the implementation of research in small and medium merchants by providing support for new or significantly improved product or technology development in Latvia, as well as to promote the development of the research process in Latvia as well as in small and medium enterprises by providing support for new or significantly improved product or technology development, as well as to promote the development of the research process abroad, as well as to promote the implementation of research in small, small and medium enterprises by providing support for new or significantly improved product or technology development, as well as to promote the use of the research process abroad, as well as to promote the implementation of research results in small and medium enterprises, by providing support for new or significantly improved product or technology development, as well as to promote the development of the research process abroad, as well as to promote the implementation of research results in small and medium enterprises, by providing support for new or significantly improved product or technology development, as well as to promote the development of the research process in Latvia, as well as to promote the implementation of research in small and medium enterprises, by providing support for new or significantly improved product or technology development, as well as to promote the development of the research process in Latvia, as well as to promote the implementation of research results in small and medium-sized merchants by providing support for new or significantly improved products or technologies for development of the project, as well as to promote the development of the research process abroad, as well as to promote At the same time, project preparation activities started with 01.04.2016. Skupni stroški prvega dela projekta: 20 294 118 EUR, vključno z zneskom podpore Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj – 17 250 000 EUR, državna proračunska sredstva – 3 044 118 EUR. Odločitev o uporabi drugega dela (rezervacije) z upravičenimi stroški v višini 20 294 118 EUR, vključno z zneskom podpore iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj – 17 250 000 EUR, državna proračunska sredstva – 3 044 117 EUR v okviru projekta, bo sprejeta po oceni doseženih rezultatov do 31. decembra 2018.Načrtovani rezultati projekta:•Število rezultatov podprtih raziskav: število podprtih rezultatov raziskav – število podprtih rezultatov raziskav – število fotografskih izdelkov – 100 projektov (vključno s 36.31). — potrjeni izdatki v višini 2 700 000 EUR;•kazalnik učinka do 31.12.2022.