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Kohesio: odkrijte projekte EU v svoji regiji

informacije o projektu
Datum začetka: 1 september 2016
Datum zaključka: 31 december 2019
Sklad: Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj (ERDF)
Skupen proračun: 257 257,00 €
Prispevek EU: ni relevantno
Programsko obdobje: 2014-2021

Izdelava kolesarskih, pohodniških in planinskih poti v Nafpaktii

Cilj projekta je razviti mrežo kolesarskih poti na gorskih območjih Nafpaktie, da bi postala privlačnejša za kolesarje – popotnike. The organisation will be in such a way as to facilitate some simple leisure activities such as cycling, relaxation and enjoyment of nature and landscape, etc., based on the aesthetic improvement of the landscape, as well as the improvement of the health and durability of the natural environment, and therefore its value.In order to make the tourist product of the particular alternative activity more attractive, it is proposed to complement the project with the development of a range of digital applications that provide visitors with a special range of cyclists and tours a range of tourists from the region.It is proposed to complement the project with the development of a range of digital applications that provide visitors with a special range of cyclists and tours a range of tourists from the region.The site’s cultural heritage is proposed to complement the project with the development of a range of digital applications that provide visitors with a special range of cyclists and services of the area.In order to make it more attractive the tourist product of this alternative activity, it is proposed to complement the project with the development of a range of digital applications that provide visitors with a special range of cyclists and tours, a range of tourists and tours of the area.The site’s cultural heritage is proposed to complement the project with the development of a variety of cultural sites, with the development of a variety of applications that provide the visitors with a unique view of the region and the services of the region.In order to make it more attractive the tourist product of this alternative activity, it is proposed to complement the project with the development of a variety of digital applications that provide the visitors with a unique location, a range of travelers and tours of the region.In order to make it more attractive the tourist product of this alternative activity, it is proposed to complement the project with the development of a variety of the natural sites, with the emphasis on the location of the site, with the emphasis on the nature and location of the site, with a view to the creation of a natural location, with a view to the development of a variety of the natural sites, with a view to the development of the site, with the emphasis of the nature and nature of the area, with a view to the location of the site, with the location of the site, with the location of the site, with a view to the development of the site, with the emphasis of the nature of the site, with a view to the nature of the region, with the location of the site, with the unique nature and the location of the site, with the Superproject 1 “Creating cycling routes in Mountain Nafpaktia” -Subproject 2 “Developing a network of cycling routes in Western Nafpaktia” and -Subproject 3 “Digital Routes in History”

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