Projekt se bo izvajal v mestu Inowrocław.Mesto je zdravilišče, turistično-rekreacijsko ter kulturno in industrijsko središče.Pomemben dejavnik razvoja so zdravilne vode v mestu, ki so bile pridobljene od decembra 2012. Mesto se nahaja v zdraviliškem in rekreacijskem kompleksu, ki se nahaja v bližini centra. Zdravilišče je bilo ustvarjeno v povezavi s pojavom slanice, ki se uporablja pri zdravljenju bolezni zgornjih dihal, cirkulacijskega sistema in drugih.Sanatorium baza v Inowrocław je objekt s širokim zdravljenjem in hotelsko bazo. Med letom so v zdraviliščih zacelili in rehabilitirali pribl. For this reason, the city should meet the air quality standards for spa towns, but exceed the permissible levels (dust suspended PM10 and PM2.5) and target levels (in the case of benzo(α)pyrene in suspended dust PM10 and ozone).Continuous activities should be continued to reduce pollution and low emissions.In the framework of the project, the project will be subject to thermomodernisation of the building SP No 8.The main purpose will be achieved by the installation of works contributing to improving the energy efficiency of the building SP 8In the framework of the project, the renovation of the school’s interiors, the renovation of the school’s walls and the gymnastics, the installation of the building’s roof, the installation of the building’s basement, the replacement of the school’s halls, the renovation of the school’s walls and the gymnastics halls, the installation of the building’s ceilings, the facade of the building’s and the facades of the building, the renovation of the school’s walls, the renovation of the building and the gymnastics, the installation of the building’s roof, the installation of the building’s basement, the renovation of the school’s house, the renovation of the building and the gym, as well as the installation of the toilets, the installation of the halls of the building, the facilitation of the school’s hall, the renovation of the building and the gym, the installation of the building with the roof, the installation of the building’s and the basement of the building’s, the renovation of the school’s bathroom, the renovation of the building and the gym, the installation of the building’s roof, the installation of the building’s the basement of the building, the renovation of the school, the renovation of the building and the gym, as well as the installation of the building with the roof of the building, the installation of the building, the facade of the school, the renovation of the building and the gym, the installation of the building’s roof, the installation of the building’s and the facades of the building, the renovation of the school’s-house, as well as the facade of the building, the installation of the building with the roof, the installation of the building’s from the basement, the renovation of the school’s-floor, the renovation of the building and the gym, as well as the installation of the building’s from the roof, the installation of the building’s from the basement, the renovation of the school’s, the renovation of the school’s walls and the gym halls, the installation of the ceilings of the building, the installation of the basement of the building, the renovation of the building’s, the renovation of the school and the gym halls, the installation of the building with the roof, the installation of the building’s and the facades of the building, the renovation of the school’s halls, the renovation of the school’s and the gym halls, the installation of the building’s ceilings and the facades of the building, as well as the renovation of the school’s halls, as well as the renovation of the building and the gymnautical halls, the installation of the building with the ceilings, the installation of the building’s and the facades of the building, the renovation of the school, the renovation of the building and the gymnautical halls, the installation of the building with the roof, the installation of the basement and the entrance hall, the renovation of the school’s hall, the toilet and the gym, the installation of the building with the roof, the installation of the basement and the fauvourishment of the building, the renovation of the school’s, the renovation of the building and the gym, the installation of the building with the roof, the installation of the building’s and the facades of the building, the renovation of the school’s hall, the bathroom and the gym halls, the installation of the building, the entrance to the building, the facades of the building, the renovation of the school’s halls, the renovation of the school and the gymnautical halls, the installation of the building with the rooftops, the partition of the building, and the target levels (in the case of benzo(α)pyrene-pyrene in the PM10 and ozone-suspended dust pits) should continue to