Kohesio: descoperiți proiectele UE din regiunea dumneavoastră

informații despre proiect
Data de începere: 21 decembrie 2018
Data de încheiere: 31 decembrie 2023
Fond: Fondul de coeziune (CF)
Buget total: 832 380 600,00 €
Contribuția UE: 707 523 500,00 € (85%)
Perioada de programare: 2014-2020
Autoritatea de management: Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale, Administratiei Publice si Fondurilor Europene
© European Union
© European Union

Drum expres Craiova - Pitesti

The general objective of the project is to provide a high quality road between the cities of Pitesti and Craiova while ensuring a link between the two branches of the TEN-T Core Rhin- Danube Corridor in Romania. Thus, in line with the national transport strategy defined in the GTMP and the specific objectives of the LIOP, the project aims to: - improve the economic efficiency of the national transport network in Romania and increase mobility by reducing travel times between Pitesti and Craiova and generating reduced travel costs; - improve regional and national accessibility by ensuring interconnectivity of the south–western region of the country with the TEN-T Core national network; - improve traffic safety conditions by reducing the number of accidents; - reduce the air and noise pollution and improve the quality of life of the population in the project area by rerouting long distance traffic outside of numerous localities currently crossed by the existing road infrastructure. The project is proposed to be financed under LIOP, Priority Axis 1: “Improving mobility by developing the TEN-T and subway network”, Thematic objective 07, Specific Objective 1.1: “Increasing mobility on the central TEN-T road network” as amended in July 2020 to include investments on TEN-T comprehensive network which complement TEN- T core projects to ensure regional and international accessibility.

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