Kohesio: descoperiți proiectele UE din regiunea dumneavoastră

informații despre proiect
Data de începere: 1 ianuarie 2014
Data de încheiere: 28 februarie 2023
Fond: Fondul de coeziune (CF)
Buget total: 244 021 427,20 €
Contribuția UE: 207 418 227,20 € (85%)
Perioada de programare: 2014-2020
Autoritatea de management: Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale, Administratiei Publice si Fondurilor Europene

Constructia autostrazii Lugoj – Deva lot 2, lot 3 si lot 4 (sectorul Dumbrava – Deva) - FAZA 2

The main socio-economic objectives of the projects are: - To improve the traffic efficiency through reduction of the travel time; - To improve transport efficiency through reduction of operation and maintenance costs (both for users and infrastructure operator); - To improve traffic safety; - To reduce environmental impact; - To improve accessibility. After both phases are going to be finalized, the project as an overrole will accomplish the general objectives of the program - Priority Axis 1 - Improving mobility by developing the TEN-T network and subway.

Flag of România  Multiple locations, România