Um sítio Web oficial da União EuropeiaUm sítio Web oficial da UE

Kohesio: descobrir projetos da UE na sua região

Informação do projeto
Data de início: 13 junho 2018
Data de termo: 12 dezembro 2021
Fundo: Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (ERDF)
Orçamento total: 3 324 308,17 €
Contribuição da UE: 2 219 185,35 € (66,76%)
Período de programação: 2014-2021
Autoridade de gestão: FM

Barragem de defesa da cidade de Daugavpils, na margem direita do rio Daugava, distrito da rua Nometņu, zona propensa a inundações

O projeto tem por objetivo: Construir uma barragem protetora para proteger o território da cidade das águas do rio Daugava, reduzindo o alto risco de inundação e garantindo alta qualidade, ambiente de vida seguro e atividade econômica competitiva.As principais atividades do projeto:•Projeto de documentação de apoio — desenvolvimento do projeto de construção.•Construção de obras, incluindo a entrada em funcionamento do projeto de construçãoO projeto estará sujeito a supervisão autoral, supervisão de construção e publicidade. 42 meses após a assinatura do acordo O custo total do projeto: 3 497 987,25 EUR, dos quais•66,76 % — 2 219 185,35 EUR — FEDER•3,53 % — 117 486,28 EUR — subvenção do orçamento do Estado•29,71 % — 987 636,54 EUR — Cofinanciamento municipal Custos inelegíveis: Planned results of the project:•Construction of a guarded dam•reducing the risk of safe and high-quality infrastructure in the city (4 128 inhabitants will benefit from flood-based measures)•Protection of contaminated sites and pollution-emitting sites (5 objects)•protection of the strategic infrastructure•reducing the risk of environmental and socioeconomic damage, contributing to the reduction of municipal costs due to flood damage (5 objects) protecting the environmental and socio-economic risks in terms of spatial and socioeconomic damage, contributing to the reduction of municipal costs due to damage caused by flooding, the improvement of the environment and the improvement of the coastal area (superservation of the site in 27 years of the spatial impact of the spatial impact of the sub-climate change, the capacity of the sub-urban area to be sub-adapted to the flooding, so that the environment and the improvement of the coastal zone (in terms of protection of the area’s protection of the risks in 27 years of the spatial impact of the city will be reduced in terms of risk reduction due to damage caused by floods, the improvement of the environment and the improvement of the coastal area (in terms of protection of the risk of the site in 27 years for spatial and socio-economic damage, contributing to the reduction of municipal costs due to damage caused by flooding, improvement of the environment and the improvement of the coastal zone, the protection of environmental and socio-economic damages, contributing to the sustainability of the marine environment in 27 years, the reduction of the municipal costs due to the damage caused by floods, the improvement of the environment and the improvement of the coastal area, the protection of the risks of environmental and socioeconomic damage, contributing to the reduction of the municipal costs due to the damage caused by floods (5 objects)•protection of the environment and the improvement of the coastal area (in terms of sheltered sites and socio-economic damage, in 27 years of the spatial impact of the spatial impact of sub-urban hajectives due to damage caused by floods, the improvement of the environment and the improvement of the coastal area (protection of the site in 27 years of the spatial and socio-economic damage, contributing to the reduction of the municipal costs due to damage caused by floods•Preparation of the environment and the improvement of the coastal zone, the protection of the risks of environmental and socioeconomic damage, contributing to the reduction of municipal costs due to flood damage (5 objects)•Preservation of the environment and the improvement of the coastal area (protection of sites and socioeconomic damage, in 27 years of spatial and environmental loss, contributing to reduction of municipal costs due to damage caused by floods•Preparation of environmental and pollution infrastructure to reduce the risks of environmental and socioeconomic damage, to reduce the costs of the local government due to flood damage (5 objects) to protect the

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