Kohesio: scopri i progetti dell'UE nella tua regione

informazioni sul progetto
Data di inizio: 10 gennaio 2017
Data di fine: 10 ottobre 2023
Fondo: Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (ERDF)
Bilancio totale: 7 679 580,00 €
Contributo dell’UE: 6 527 642,99 € (85%)
Periodo di programmazione: 2014-2021
Autorità di gestione: Главна дирекция „Стратегическо планиране и програми за регионално развитие” в Министерство на регионалното развитие и благоустройството

"Rinnovo e modernizzazione delle infrastrutture educative regionali migliorando la base materiale e tecnica di 15 scuole superiori di proprietà statale nel sistema MES nei distretti di Burgas, Sliven, Stara Zagora, Haskovo e Yambol"

The districts of Burgas, Sliven, Stara Zagora, Haskovo and Yambol are located in two regions for economic development — South Central and South-Eastern. Tourism occupies a leading place in the economy of the South East region based on the built tourist base and traditional experience.The areas of Stara Zagora and Haskovo are developing in the industrial sector and agriculture and forestry. Through the activities set out in this project proposal aims to improve the educational process, to introduce new methods of training and to ensure easier integration and socialisation in the society of the future generation.With the activities set out in this project proposal aims to improve the learning process, to introduce new methods of training and to ensure easier integration and socialisation in the society of the future generation.With the renewal of the amortised and the business community, the need for the professional education and the morality of the region is to support the establishment of the professional education in the region, the need for the establishment of the professional education and the morality of the region. The need for the establishment of the professional education in the region is to encourage the establishment of the professional and moral institutions in the region. The region is located in two regions for economic development — South Central and South-eastern. Tourism is a leading place in the economy of the South East region, based on the established tourist base and traditional experience. Stara Zagora and Haskovo are developed in the industrial sector and agriculture and forestry. Through the activities set out in this project proposal aims to improve the learning process, to introduce new methods of training and to ensure easier integration and socialisation in the society of the future generation.With the activities set out in the present project proposal aims to improve the educational process, to introduce new methods of training and to ensure easier integration and socialisation in the society of the future generation.With the renewal of the amortised and the professional education of the region, the need of the professional education and the morality of the region is to maintain the professional and morality of the region. The region is located in two regions for economic development — South Central and South-Eastern. Through the activities set out in this project proposal aims to improve the educational process, to introduce new methods of training and to ensure easier integration and socialisation in the society of the future generation.With the activities set out in the present project proposal aims to improve the educational process, to introduce new methods of training and to provide easier integration and socialisation in the society of the future generation.With the activities set out in this project proposal aims to improve the educational process, to introduce new methods of training and to ensure easier integration and socialisation in the society of the future generation.With the renewal of the region, the need of the professional education and the morality of the region is to support the creation of the professional education and the morality. The new professional education and the morality of the Bourgas region have been developed in two regions for economic development — South Central and South-Eastern. Tourism is a leading place in the economy of the South East region, based on the established tourist base and traditional experience. The areas of Stara Zagora and Haskovo are developed in the industrial sector and agriculture and forestry. Through the activities set out in this project proposal aims to improve the Gli investimenti per la ristrutturazione e l'ammodernamento delle sale di formazione, dei laboratori, delle strutture sportive e dei laboratori di formazione miglioreranno l'infrastruttura didattica di: Akad. N. D. Zelinskiy — Bourgas PG in ospitalità e turismo "Acad. Nedelcho Nedelchev PG in Mechanotechnics — Sliven PG in Economia "Professore Dr. Dimitar Tabakov"NG in Costruzione, Architettura e Geodesia "Lubor Bayer" PG in Elettronica "John Atanasov"NG di Ingegneria Elettrica e Tecnologie "G. S. Rakovski"NG di Gestione Trasporti e Trasporti — Kazanlak "Atanas Burov" Scuola Finanziaria ed Economica — Haskovo PG in Mechanoelectronics Engineering "Stoycho" e Kitsa Marchev" Scuola di Turismo "Alexander Paskalev" e "Rayna Knyaginya" Scuola di Industria leggera "Georgi Stoykov Rakovski"GP "Ivan Raynov" — Yambol

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