Kohesio: descubra los proyectos de la UE en su región

información sobre el proyecto
Fecha de comienzo: 1 junio 2020
Fecha de finalización: 1 marzo 2023
Fondo: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF)
Presupuesto total: 15 578 250,72 €
Contribución de la UE: 11 729 332,31 € (75,29%)
Período de programación: 2014-2021
Autoridad de gestión: Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby SR

Integración de datos: puesta a disposición de la base de datos VS, incluidos los datos abiertos, a través de una plataforma de integración de datos

El objetivo del proyecto nacional titulado "Integración de datos: making available the VS data base, including open data through a data integration platform, is to fulfil the “one time and enough” principle by building an infrastructure and making open data available to public authorities.The main objective of the national project je:Identifikácia of the “decisive” masses of OVMs with the possibility to share records objects and open data using a data integration platform,39 new OVMs registered in Data Integration, which will allow the use of the OVM data management model in the context of the OVM data controller, 31 new OVM data-recording elements registered in the provider’s role, 223 of the new record objects registered in Data Integration and available for consumers or the OVM repository, which will allow the use of ODI data in the context of the OVM data-recording model, and the data elements of the data processor, which will be the subject of the OVD data recorder’s role, 223 of the new data registration objects registered in Data Integration and available for consumers or storage of Open Data, which will allow the use of the OVD data-recording model, and the data elements of the data processors registered in the data integration role of the provider, 223 of the new data registration objects registered in Data Integration and available for consumers or storage of OVMs, which will allow the use of the OVM data in the context of the data recorder model, and the OVM data processors, which will be the subject of the OVM data recorder’s role,223 of the new data registration objects registered in Data Integration and available for consumers or the OVS repository, which will allow the use of the OVM data in the context of the data-recording model, and the OVM data processors registered in the data integration role of the provider, 223 of the new data registration objects registered in Data Integration and available for consumers or storage of the OVM, which will allow the use of the OVM data in the context of the OVM data-recording model, which will be the subject of the OVM data integration model, which will be the subject of the OVM data recorder’s role, and available for consumers or the OVM repository, which will allow the use of the OVM data in the context of the OVM data record model, which will be the subject of an OVM data recorder’s role,223 of new data registration objects registered in Data Integration and available for consumers or storage of the OVM, which will allow the use of the OVM data in the context of the OVM’s data recorder model, which will be the subject of an OVM data recorder’s role,223 of new data registration objects registered in Data Integration and accessible to consumers or by the OVM data storage system, which will allow the use of the OVM data in the context of the data-recording model, which will be part of the OVMs registered in the data integration role,223 of the new registration objects registered in Data Integration and available for consumers or the OVM storage system, which will allow the use of the OVM data-recording model in the context of the OVM data-recording model, which will be subject to the use of the OVM data on a common data basis;

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