Kohesio: descubra los proyectos de la UE en su región

información sobre el proyecto
Fecha de comienzo: 8 abril 2020
Fecha de finalización: 31 agosto 2023
Fondo: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF)
Presupuesto total: 2 277 132,50 €
Contribución de la UE: 1 935 562,50 € (85%)
Período de programación: 2014-2021
Autoridad de gestión: Zarząd Województwa Małopolskiego obsługiwany przez Urząd Marszałkowski Woj. Małopolskiego – Departament Zarządzania Programami Operacyjnymi,

Construcción de vías para bicicletas con infraestructura en el municipio de Piwniczna-Zdrój con el fin de introducir cambios en la movilidad urbana que conduzcan a una reducción de las emisiones de CO2.

The subject of the project is the construction of bicycle paths in the Municipalities and the City of PiwnicznaZdrój, the construction of integrated connecting hubs and the construction of PR and BR facilities and the marking of bicycle routes with appropriate markings to facilitate the movement of them.The project also plans to build connecting places to change the means of transport, which will contribute to the reduction of low emissions, properly lit and equipped, and the creation of modern bicycle parking areas.The creation of adequate infrastructure will give residents a choice and encourage them to change the means of transport, which will contribute to the reduction of low emissions, the best-emissions are presented to the best of the conditions of the bicycles, the improvement of the transport between the various modes of transport will be achieved, and the safety of the city will be reduced by the safety of the road and the safety of the poor roads will be ensured by the proper conditions of the transport, and the improvement of the safety of the city will be affected by the proper conditions of the transport, as well as the promotion of the safety of the roads and the safety of the road in the area, the improvement of the safety of the inhabitants, the improvement of the conditions of the transport, and the protection of the safety of the city will be affected by the safety of the transport, and the improvement of the safety of the city, and the improvement of the safety of the roads, the improvement of the safety of the inhabitants, and the promotion of the safety of the road in the area, and the improvement of the safety of the roads in the area, the improvement of the conditions of the transport, and the improvement of the safety of the roads, the improvement of the safety of the city, and the improvement of the safety of the roads, the improvement of the safety of the road and the safety of the road, and the improvement of the safety of the roads, the improvement of the safety of the roads and the improvement of the safety of the roads in the area, the improvement of the safety of the city and the safety of the road, the improvement of the safety of the transport, the improvement of the safety of the road, the improvement of the safety of the road and the safety of the road, the improvement of the safety of the roads, the improvement of the safety of the city and the safety of the roads, the improvement of the safety of the roads, and the improvement of the safety of the roads, the improvement of the safety of the roads, and the improvement of the safety of the roads in the area of the urban areas, the urban areas and the town of Pivnicznas will reduce the congestion, the safety of the city will be improved and the safety of the city will be reduced, and the safety of the city will be reduced by the proper conditions of the transport, the improvement of the conditions of the bicycles, the improvement of the conditions of the transport, and the improvement of the safety of the urban areas, the improvement of the safety of the urban areas, the improvement of the safety of the inhabitants, and the improvement of the safety of the urban areas, the improvement of the safety of the urban areas and the well-being of the urban areas, the improvement of the safety of the urban areas, and the improvement of the safety of the urban areas, the improvement of the safety of the urban areas, and the improvement of the safety of the urban areas, and the improvement of the safety of the urban areas, as well as the improvement of the safety of the environment and the safety of the urban areas, the development of the infrastructure, and the improvement of the safety of the urban areas, the improvement of the safety of the urban areas and the improvement of the safety of the urban areas, and the promotion of the safety of the urban areas, and the promotion of the safety of the environment and the safety of the urban areas, the development of the urban areas and the city of PiwnicznaZdrój, the construction of integrated connecting hubs and the construction of PR and BR facilities, and the marking of the bicycle routes with appropriate signs to facilitate

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