Kohesio: discover EU projects in your region

project info
Start date: 8 January 2016
End date: 31 March 2023
Fund: n/a
Total budget: 51 173 897,70 €
EU contribution: 43 497 813,05 € (85%)
Programming period: 2014-2020
Managing authority: Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium, Környezetvédelmi és Energiahatékonysági Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság

Tisza Wave Square: Improvement of the water transport capacity of the large water bed on the section between the Szolnok railway bridge and Kisköre

The interventions planned under the project are: • To remove the constrictions of the wave area by relocating flood protection dykes • Removal of natural and artificial terrain formations (summer dams, belt reefs, land-deponias) that prevent floods from being drawn on the wavefield • Rehabilitation of the flood strip is the right condition for the draining of floods, restoration of cultivating branches, removal of irregularly developed and obstructive vegetation. These types are associated with nature conservation interventions; due to the operation of the Hanyi-Tiszasülyi reservoir which is being built in the framework of another project, the wave-space settlement intervention and a river control intervention are necessary. Planned interventions and intervention sites are as follows: Corrugated reconstruction interventions: These interventions include the dismantling of terrain formations that prevent flooding, but also reconstruction for nature conservation purposes. • Depilation of depondions along the bend canal around 398,45 rkm on the right bank of Tisza; • Dismantling of “pityoke” depony on the left bank of Tisza between rkm 360.9-361.8; • Water supply for nature conservation purposes: O Construction of the water substitute for nature conservation purposes of Csatlói Holt-Tisza protected by the Tiszasüly-Kőtelek summer dam, in the vicinity of 375.30 rkm on the right bank of Tisza, ~900 m from Tisza; O Pélyi Zsidofoki lock reconstruction works for the water supply of Patkós Holtág, on the right bank of Tisza around 388,00 rkm from Tisza ~500 m. Settlement of the flood drainage lane: This project element aims to improve the roughness conditions of the flood drain strip as determined by land use. The intervention includes spatial planning activities to be carried out in the planned flood drainage area in order to improve the drainage capacity in the large water. Organisation of summer yogas: This project element consists of the demolition of artificial terrain formations preventing flooding, complemented by the renovation of the necessary artefact. — The resection of the Tiszaroff-felsőrét summer dam up to the “700” level between the sections of 0+ 070-2+ 200 tkm and 7+ 390-9+ 140 tkm — Renovation of the structure in the Tiszaroff-felsőréti summer dam 2+ 115 tkm refurbishment of belt reefs: These interventions include the dismantling of terrain formations that prevent flooding. — The settlement of the Tisza Left Wave Area above the railway bridge of Kiskörei on the section between rkm 401.6-402.0 (Previously planned in the EMT, the demolition of small circle railway bridge/downstream and lower left and right belt reefs was foreseen, which was modified as a result of the on-site visit of the administration); — Ordering the right belt reef of Tisza on the bend section between the sections 397,500-397,850 rkm; — On the left bank of the Tisza on the section below and above the Nagykörű ferry crossing, we examined the possibility of arranging the existing belt reef between rkm 363,550-364,100. On the section below the ferry (363,700 rkm) we planned the destruction and landscaping works, and we planned to clean the area from sludge at a water quality protection site about 100 m above the ferry. Current control interventions: After the removal of existing shore insurance (tyres), we planned to arrange the bracing and even spread the existing stone spreading between the tyres on the left side of Tisza between 364,34-364,54 rkm. Relocation of main flood defence lines: This project element aims at removing critical bottlenecks. — Relocation of the main flood protection line on the right bank of the Tisza on the stretch between Szoropuszta-Doba, where the new line is connected to the existing embankment in sections 82+ 565 and 87+ 300 tkm, length 3 660 m; — The protection of the stability of the flood protection charge due to the proximity of the main bed has become an urgent task on the so-called Keskenyi section. After a feasibility assessment of the options for demolition, river control, refuelling, etc. of the belt reef planned in the EMT, in line with nature conservation interests, the transfer of the charge on the better shore of the Tisza between sections 90+ 870-93+ 000 tkm became the only conflict-free intervention; — Relocation of the main flood protection line on the left bank of Tisza, on the Szajol section, on the section of defense line 10.06 between 88+ 090-88+ 450 tkm; — Relocation of the main flood protection line on the left bank of Tisza on the Óballa section, on the section of defense line 10.06 between 97+ 850-102+ 650 tkm. Wavefield interventions related to reservoirs: — The wave-field interventions related to the Hanyi-Tiszasülyi reservoir on the right bank of the Tisza are designed to protect the coast along the canals that escalate between rkm 387.9-388.0.

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