The immediate objective is to sustainably improve the water quality of Lake Venice, to preserve and ensure a higher standard of near-nature status in coastal areas, and to ensure the sustainable achievement of good ecological status in accordance with the Water Framework Directive. The maximum water level of Lake Venice is + 170 cm in relation to the ‘0’ point (102.62 m B.f.) of the Agard water standard according to the operational regulations in force. However, the height and technical suitability of most of the coastguard plants continue to be adapted to the lower water levels previously used. The majority of coastguards and the height of the underlying areas no longer comply with the legislation in force (Article 30/2008). (XII. 31.) KvVM Decree), causing serious drainage problems in the immediate coastal lane of the lake, which is exacerbated by the lack of solutions to the comprehensive water management of the lake “large waterbed”. In addition to the altitude deficits, a further problem is the severely degraded state of the existing coastguard plants. During the preparatory phase, the use of the shores of the underlying areas was also defined. With an assessment of current and planned future coastal uses, a comprehensive assessment of the state of play has been carried out, as well as a proposal to use the shores of Lake Venice in such a way that the protection of filled areas, beaching, water sports and the construction of ports are also solved. Taking into account the ecological aspects and the interplay between shore uses and the location of dredging tailings. That aim is harmoniously consistent with the provisions of Article 83/2014 on the use and utilisation of large water beds, coastal zones, floodplains and emanating waters and rules on the order and content of the preparation of the large water river management plan in the case of rivers. (III. 14.) for the use of the 6 m range of operator bands laid down in the Government Decree. During the implementation of the project, watercourses and water quality sediment reservoirs are organised in the necessary locations. During the implementation of the project, watercourses and water quality sediment reservoirs are organised in the necessary locations. Dredging works include dredging of watercourses and bay sections in Lake Velence with a sludge dredging of ~102.500 m³. The nature conservation, flow improvement and water quality protection dredges are realised by removing ~39.600 m³ of water material. The installation of dredging materials requires the construction of a tailing area with a capacity of ~296.000 m³ in Cserepes Island and Dinnyési zagytér. ~5.200 fm beach protection plant or technical facility will be dismantled and built with technical parameters complying with the technical requirements set out in the legislation ~29.000 fm new shore protection plant, 6 natural drinking places and 2 sustainable fish cradles will be built during the implementation of the project. During the implementation of the project, continuous monitoring of the impact on vegetation and fauna is required. Pursuant to Government Decree No 120/1999. (VIII.16.) on the rules of cane management, a reed management plan for Lake Velence is drawn up. Link to the objectives of the Water Framework Directive: The project consists of lake Velence reeds and open water standing water bodies (VOR codes: AIQ959 and AIQ960) and the Emperor’s lower and Vereb-Pázmánd water flow (VOR codes: AEP382 and AEQ104) affects estuarine sections of water bodies and additional small watercourses. The project corresponds to the VGT2 measures as follows: The measures ‘Organisation of watercourses and water quality sediment reservoirs’, ‘flood-enhancing bay dredging’ and ‘Redient placement, construction of tailing boxes’ are linked from a VGT point of view and should therefore be treated uniformly. In principle, interventions aimed at reducing incoming and existing loads, taking into account the appropriate placement of the excavated material. Linkable measures: — 4a.2 Reduction and elimination of sediment pollution in watercourses and stationary waters — 6.3 meadrehabilitation methods (large river, small and medium watercourses, standing water bodies, artificial water bodies) The elements of action “Construction of Partwall and related technical facilities” and “development of excavations, fish cradles” can be categorised according to the VGT measures within Action Group 6 “Improving hydromorphological conditions outside longitudinal interoperability” as follows: — 6.4 Rehabilitation of the zone depending on the type of water in the coastal zone of watercourses and standing water — demolition of facilities in 6.6 beds that have lost their function — gradual achievement of good ecological status and potential of the environment (although essentially a measure required for watercourses, but based on its principles, a parallel can be drawn with the standing waters in the case of the coast wall)....